What MyMarble plans can I choose from?

Alex England

Last Update 2 χρόνια πριν

Whether you are just beginning to train your financial fitness, or you are already a money master, MyMarble has a plan to suit your financial goals. Our MyMarble Plans build as you grow! You can choose from our Community and Premium options. Each plan includes your credit score and summary, budget analysis, credit and banking insights, and access to Maestro Financial Literacy courses. Our MyMarble plans start monthly, but you can sign up for 3 months to save 10%, for 6 months to save 15% or yearly to save 25%! You can find out more about our pricing plans at mymarble.ca/pricing.

Community – $FREE

Let’s say you’re just curious and looking to build the foundations of financial fitness. This is the plan for you. The Freemium Plan provides you with Beginner Recommendations to help you understand the basics of your finances and how you can best utilize MyMarble.

Premium – $29.99 per month

Our Premium Plan helps you to thrive in your financial fitness, allowing you to reach and broaden your goals in the fastest possible way. This plan includes all of our Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced recommendations to make sure you don’t miss a trick when you are striving to master your finances.

MyMarble Premium provides you with access to Score-Up, our financial technology solution that will help you increase your credit score, through point deduction technology. Our leading proprietary technology allows you to work towards your desired credit score, within your budget, by allowing you to create a target credit score based on your financial plans and credit history.

By utilizing our Point Deduction Technology©, point and budget simulators, our software analyzes your credit report to create a fast and clear path to build your credit score. Likewise, you can follow our monthly recommendations to make a positive impact on your credit score, giving you confidence for future financial events, all within your budget. In addition, Score-Up provides you with access to your credit report and allows you to track for errors and omissions. 

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