What are the benefits of MyMarble?

Alex England

Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

The MyMarble Dashboard provides many benefits to ensure you reach your financial goals. Through our data-driven financial technology, MyMarble analyzes your connected bank account to provide you with recommendations on ways you can better your budget, pay down debt faster and improve your credit score. Depending on your plan, MyMarble will provide you with different levels of personalized recommendations on how you can improve your financial fitness.

Tracking Your Spending Habits & Trends

With MyMarble, you can track your spending habits and trends, to discover ways you can improve your budget and better utilize your income. The MyMarble Dashboard allows you to visualize your spending month-to-month on a graph, and to keep track of your historical spending data, helping you monitor your budget improvements.

Monitoring Your Credit Score

Keeping track of your credit score is now easier than ever with MyMarble. The Dashboard provides you with your monthly credit score, helping you follow your journey in achieving your target credit score.

Personalized Insights and Recommendations

Are you looking to get out of debt, improve your credit score or become financially responsible? Well, included in whichever MyMarble Plan you choose, our software will provide you with personalized recommendations on better ways you can spend your income to help you reach your goals. 

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