How often does Marble pull your credit report?


Last Update a year ago

Freemium Plan:

With our Freemium plan, you will have access to your soft summary credit report once per month. To view your credit score, it is essential to log in to your MyMarble account at least once during the month. This ensures that you can stay updated on your credit information.

Boost/Premium Plans:

If you are interested in obtaining the current soft full credit report, you will need to subscribe to either our Premium or Boost plan. These plans offer additional benefits and features beyond the Freemium plan.

Accessing your Credit Report:

To access the credit report, please follow these steps:

1. Log in to your MyMarble account.

2. Navigate to the Credit section.

3. Click on 'View Credit Report' to access your credit report.

*Please note that the credit score and summary you see on the MyMarble portal dashboard are updated monthly, provided you log in on a monthly basis. It is important to remember that the credit score and the soft full credit report are derived from different reports pulled from TU (TransUnion) at different dates. As a result, they may display different dates and values.

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