How does MyMarble Premium’s Score-Up work?

Alex England

Last Update 3 anni fa

Score-Up is now included with MyMarble Premium. The faster you improve your credit score, the sooner your financial goals become a reality. Score-Up provides you with access to our proprietary credit improvement technology. With Score-Up, there is no more guessing on how you to improve your credit score. You will be able to take advantage of Score-Up’s Point Deduction Technology©, points and money simulator to help you create a clear path to improve your credit score. In addition, you will have access to your TransUnion credit report, to keep track of any reporting errors.

Score-Up helps you create a target credit score based on your financial plans and credit history. Using the Points Simulator, receive a personalized strategy to achieve your goals, showing you which debts to pay off first, where to apply money to creditors, and how to gain valuable points. The simulator will show you how many points you could gain or lose, depending on what actions you take, before you take real-time action. Also, MyMarble Premiums Money Simulator will allow you to figure out how to put any leftover money towards bettering your credit score. 

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